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Leading Industries

Making waves and moving our economy forward.

Blue Economy

Rhode Island’s $5.3B Blue Economy and nearly 400 miles of coastline make the state an ideal location for emerging companies, especially those who specialize in the development of advanced materials and component boat/ship systems; ocean sciences and engineering; marine tourism; and the preservation of coastal communities and environments.

Learn more about RI's Blue Economy

Design & Custom Manufacturing

Rhode Island is an emerging leader in manufacturing innovation, with companies like General Electric, Electric Boat, Raytheon, and Textron. The state’s burgeoning maker movement is reshaping design and product development when manufacturing goods.

Learn more about RI's Design & Custom Manufacturing Industries

Food & Beverage Innovation

For a small state, Rhode Island boasts an outsized $4 billion food economy centered around an award-winning restaurant scene, a legacy commercial fisheries & aquaculture industry and a stand-out food R&D ecosystem.

Learn more about RI's Food & Beverage Innovation Industries

Life Science

The Life Science industry is thriving in Rhode Island with more than $1.83 billion in awards from the National Institute of Health (NIH) over the last decade and the 186 biotechnology patents held by local innovators. Rhode Island offers an ocean of possibilities for your life science business to land, expand, and succeed. 

Learn more about RI's Life Science Industry

Offshore Wind

With the first offshore wind farm in the US, Rhode Island is ideally positioned to support the significant growth in the US offshore wind industry. Our strategic location, port infrastructure, skilled labor, and novel training programs supplying the workers of the future, make Rhode Island an ideal location for offshore wind industry growth. 

Learn more about RI's Offshore Wind Industry

Travel & Hospitality

The travel sector is an integral part of Rhode Island economy. Visitors generate significant economic benefits to households, businesses, and government. Rhode Island may be small, but the state is home to one of the largest concentrations of historic landmarks in the nation, a vibrant arts and cultural scene, miles of pristine coastline and some of the most acclaimed dining establishments in the country. 

Learn more about RI's Travel & Hospitality Industries